Happy New Year! How about making it a safe one too? Many New Year resolutions evaporate in just a few days, but while you’re still full of resolve, here are 10 things you can do around your home and in the car that will keep you safer – and last the full year!
1. Create a home escape plan – so everyone knows what to do in case of a fire or other forced evacuations.
2. Test your smoke alarms, If batteries are more than six months old, replace them. Do this twice a year.
3. Compile a list of emergency contact numbers and keep a copy by each phone in your home.
4. Clear weather hazards – like blocked down-spouts and slippery surfaces – and ensure outdoor lighting is working.
5. Put it out of reach – from meds to workshop tools; move sharp items out of harm’s way and put dangerous stuff under lock and key.
6. Repair loose fittings like carpet, cabinets doors, and power outlets, and secure power leads to table lamps and other appliances.
7. Make sure your tetanus inoculations are up to date; ensure you’ve had a flu shot, and schedule a routine health check for all adults over 60.
8. Schedule a health safety check for your car too. Ask your local repair shop to check lights, brakes, tires and wipers. Call us if you need a recommendation for a great repair shop or home improvements.
10. Deep-clean bathrooms, kitchen work surfaces and refrigerators to remove harmful bacteria.
Lastly, the new year is always a good time to review your Henrich Insurance Group policy to ensure that there are no dangerous gaps in your insurance. Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out to our agency at 713-349-0400 if you’d like a complimentary review of your policies.