Extreme Winter Weather Creates Higher Flood Risk:
Kalispell, MT, February 17, 2014
The nation has experienced extreme winter weather with record setting temperatures and snow accumulations that create the opportunity for flooding. A number of factors can cause winter flooding throughout the country and in areas that are not normally prone to flooding. Ice jams or rapid snowmelt, accompanied with intense rainstorms create a high risk of flooding.
The Western portion of the United States is in a particularly high risk of flooding at this time of year. The rainy season in these states brings the majority of their annual rainfall. The Midwest this year has had intense cold temperatures and record setting snowfalls which make the frost line very deep and takes a long time to thaw. Localized flooding is a strong likelihood because of fluctuating temperatures and intense rainstorms.
It typically takes 30 days for a new flood policy to take effect, so residents should not wait before they consider purchasing a flood insurance policy. It only takes a few inches of water in a home or business to cause thousands of dollars of damage. Between 2006 and 2010, the average flood claim was nearly $34,000. The time to get protected is now.
Watch this video to see how a flood can affect you, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0BNTyVkkM0
Here are some additional steps that people can take to address these flooding risks:
Assemble an emergency supply kit that includes:
- Non-perishable food
- Water
- Flashlight & Batteries
Gather and save important contact information such as:
- Important phone numbers
- Insurance policy numbers
- Medical information
They can find out more by visiting www.ready.gov for additional information on how to prepare for flooding disasters .
Call HIG - Henrich Insurance Group 713-349-0400 or your free flood quote or visit us online at higtexas.com